This information applies to family portraits, couple’s portraits, engagements, women’s portraiture among many other portraits. Here are a few tips to help you pick your outfits successfully. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need help. We can schedule a one-on-one to talk about your selections before your portrait session.
- Dress up. How many times do you get professional photos done of you, your significant other or your family? Not very often, right? So make sure you are taking advantage of the opportunity to dress up and look your best.
2. Dressing up does not mean UNCOMFORTABLE. If you are not comfortable in dresses, don’t wear them. If your love is not comfortable in fancy shoes, don’t make them wear them. Find something that boosts your confidence.
3. It is always easier to plan ONE outfit you really love and coordinate everyone else from that outfit. For example:
- If you are wearing a busy floral dress, make sure the other person is not wearing a busy pattern. As a matter of fact, someone else wearing a solid color would be preferable.
- Do NOT go with MATCHY-MATCHY. Your outfits are a way to express your personalities. Stay away from “Everyone wears white, or everyone wears black”. That’s not to say nobody wears black or wears white but I always recommend staying away from white as much as possible. It’s better to use different shades of one color than go and use the same color for everyone participating.
4. Stay away from really small patterns. If you are using patterns, make sure they are larger. Solid colors photograph well. Vertical lines are flattering to your figure. Accessorize if you are using simple solid colors (hats, scarves, vests, cool shoes, brazzelets, earrings and/or necklaces)
5. For a romantic look, flowy dresses (fabrics) are the way to go. Don’t be afraid to use that dress you’ve been saving in the back of your closet for a special occasion. This IS the special occasion.
6. Photographers can make your pictures look amazing BUT loving your outfits and how you look in them can go a long way to being happy with your images.
7. Colors that photograph well: Burgundy, Blues, Greens, Mustard and Grays. (Depending on where your session is: Avoid green if your session is at a park, you might blend too much with the background UNLESS is fall and leaves are orange)
8. DO NOT WEAR FLIP FLOPS. Ladies: Open toe sandals and heels are o.k. Nude color shoes elongate your legs. Guys: No flip flops or sandals for you.
Here are more ideas on what photographs well:
For family portraits: HERE
For maternity: HERE
For couple’s portraits: