When preparing for a headshot session, what you wear is crucial. Your outfit can greatly influence how professional, approachable, and confident you appear in your photographs. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect attire for your headshot session: 1. Understand the Purpose of the ... READ the POST
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Austin portrait photographer | Chez Garage Session
Just wanted to share a quick preview of my latest Chez Garage Session with this amazing woman. Rebekah is the owner of Bex&Co and if you haven't heard from them, you should visit her website and read a little bit more about her and her mission - HERE ... READ the POST
Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Amanda
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? My name is Amanda and I am 40 years old. I have been married to my loving and supportive husband for 18 years. We met the first summer after I graduated high school and have been together since I was 18 years old. We have 2 children together our ... READ the POST
Chez Garage Project | E
Super excited to share these images with you. Elizabeth you too cool for words. You are the Queen of Sultry and I love the fact that you love red lipstick too! From Elizabeth: " I am a big believer in practicing what you preach. I do my best to step in front of a camera as often as I ... READ the POST
Why a photo-shoot is self-Care
I am still in awe at Paige's words. I cannot begin to describe how her words make me feel and how important these are to every woman that needs time to herself, a little self-care, a little reminder. From Paige - "I am a woman working full-time, raising 2 boys and married to an absolutely amazing ... READ the POST